Sunday, 31 August 2008

Hurstville vs Chinatown

Folks I have it all wrong I leave near a bee house - just 15min walk from my house and I find myself in former Shanghai (regards to J) I am not joking belive me only 15min walk and I am not in Australia anymore!
Yesterday I went out discovering the suroundings and downtown Hurstville is a little copy of Sydney's Chinatown. There are Chinese signs, shops and people everywhere. I was sitting on a bench and for about 5min I didn't see any non Chinese looking person. Amazing.
I know now exactly what my dear friend J in Shanhai was talking about when she said better go to a western Supermarket at least you now what you get. There are things in this shops I do not even know what there are, how to cook them or even if you are supposed to eat them. However whatever I can put a name on I buy as it's much cheaper then in a traditional supermarket and much fresher as well. And well why not take some risks and taste some funny looking food.
I have a feeling I will not miss Newtown at all. Hurstville be ready!!!!

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